Digital Book


The digital version of the Guide is a single user, read-only PDF that can be viewed on multiple devices. We want to make sure that this will work for you before you purchase. You may view a sample PDF HERE (5 pages from book).


After purchase, we will require an email address for each digital book user. Email addresses can be listed in the "Additional Ordering Information" box on the shopping cart page or email to: contact@waedguide.com. These email addresses will be registered and unique passwords will be emailed to each with instructions on viewing the book. (Please make sure that our email address: 3tree@comcast.net is not blocked.) This PDF file can not be downloaded or copied, but sections of text may be selected and copied. It also includes SEARCH and ZOOM options. We will update the book with any changes that we are made aware of throughout the year. This section of our site can be accessed via the link emailed to you OR from the DIGITAL GUIDE button at the top and bottom of our homepage.


If you have any questions regarding this option, please feel free to contact us: contact@waedguide.com


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